Light | Dark

Daeram Chung

Hi there 👋

I am an aspiring frontend developer. Despite completing my Bachelor's in Business Administration, I jumped into the world of frontend programming because, 1) it is fun, and 2) I want to be closer to end users. Above all, I am interested in using technology to solve problems and create greater value for people. My programming journey has been a splendid one and I am keen to continue my endeavors.



Technologies that I am proficient in:

  • - HTML5
  • - CSS3, SASS, styled-components, Material UI
  • - JavaScript(ES2015+), TypeScript
  • - React
  • - TanStack Query
  • - Jest, React Testing Library
  • - Git
  • - AWS (S3, Amplify, Route53)

Technologies that I am interested in and have used at least once:

  • - Web Components
  • - Next.js
  • - Svelte
  • - Swift, SwiftUI
  • - Express
  • - Nest.js
  • - MongoDB

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